Card Shark's Surrender

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Card Shark's Surrender

Post by Annuada »

The neon lights of the casino ruined me. As Alex, squandered it all at the blackjack tables.
Night after night, the roulette wheel spun its hypnotic dance. The whir of slot machines was an irresistible lure.
My wife, Anna, urged me to quit playing slots, but I couldn't resist the pull.
On that fateful night at the underground gambling den, I put on the line our whole life: our savings, our residence - in a desperate attempt to win big.
The slot machine displayed "LOSE" and the house always wins.
Returning to what was once our home with nothing left, I found only a note: "I'm leaving. Your gambling addiction has destroyed us."
Abandoned in an desolate room, I finally saw that grasping at a lucky streak cost me all that was real.
Therapists identified a serious mood disorder, compounded by my withdrawal from betting.
Now, constantly is a battle not just with my compulsion to place bets, but with the all-consuming melancholy in my soul. Will I ever climb out of this pit shaped by the relentless pursuit of the next win?
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